**** Desert of Hawaii – Prince Hall Shriners – A.E.A.O.N.M.S. ****
Deputy of the Desert Jerry Shakur
Email the Deputy; DesertofHawaiiImperialDeputy@gmail.com
Follow on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/groups/240973776102355
Desert Chief Rabban Garland Joyner Desert Asst. Rabban Linwood Richardson
Desert HP&P Lawrence Johnson Desert O.G. Marshall Scott
Desert Treasurer Nathanael Dixon Desert Recorder Jose Cruz
Desert 1st C.M. Jack Herring Desert 2nd C.M. Lawrence C. Fagin
Desert C. of G. Jonathan D. Williams Desert O. G. Gerald Mosley
***** Desert Temples *****
Takbir Temple No. 227
P.O. Box 86-0477
Wahiawa HI 96786
Noble Howard L. Covington Sr.
Illustrious Potentate
Noble Jack Herring
Noble Linwood Richardson
Deputy of the Oasis of Honolulu
Meeting Time & Place
1st Thursday 7:30pm
Schofield Masonic Temple, Wahiawa, Hawaii
Jannah Temple No. 246
P.O. Box 741
Pearl City, HI 96782
Noble Lawrence Johnson
Illustrious Potentate
Noble Christopher Goodman
Noble Garland D. Joyner
Deputy of the Oasis of Kaneohe
Meeting Time & Place
1st Thursday 7:30pm
Schofield Masonic Temple, Wahiawa, Hawaii
“Daughters of the Imperial Court”
an Auxiliary of the A.E.A.O.N.M.S.
Deputy for the Desert PC Pilar Mudd
Email the Deputy; DOIHawaiiDesert@aol.com Follow on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/groups/599147610988080
***** Desert Courts *****
Takbir Court No. 206
98-1277 Kaahumanu, PMB #206
Aiea, Hawaii 96701 TakbirCourt206@aol.com
Dt. Henderson
Illustrious Commandress
Illustrious Recordress
Dt. Frances Harimoto
Imperial Deputy for the Oasis of Honolulu
Dt. Pilar Mudd
Meeting Time and Place
1st Thursday 7:00 pm
Royal Kunia Community Center, Wahiawa
Jannah Court No. 223
95-1030 Meheula Pkwy #89-3521
Mililani, HI 96789
Dt. Jolene Joyner
Illustrious Commandress 
Imperial Deputy for the Oasis of Kaneohe
Dt. Cherrieann Diaz
Meeting Time and Place
3rd Saturday 11:30am
Schofield Masonic Temple, Wahiawa