Excellent program that the MWGM Howard Covington supports each year. He serves as the State Representative for this amazing organization. To volunteer, please visit http://mosheroes.org/koa-ohana-thanksgiving/ or https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094CA8AD2BA3FE3-5thannual
ICYMI: Mo’s Heroes – MWGM Howard L. Covington, Sr. on KHON2 News
Ohana Thanksgiving event invites military to lunch
ICYMI: MWGM Howard L. Covington, Sr., was recently on a segment of KHON2 News sharing the great services Mo’s Heroes provides for our veterans. The majority of our members are veterans and we are heavily involved supporting many veteran organizations on the island.
Vote! Midterm Elections
The midterm elections are important, and your voice is even more important! According to our records you may live in Hawaii, a state that allows you to vote early. Tap here to confirm where you can vote: https://weall.vote/2Rm3Pi3. Can your community count on you to vote early?
2018 Pacific Rim Conference of Grand Masters, Grand Worthy Matrons and Grand Worthy Patrons
MWGM Howard L. Covington Sr., MWPGM/Grand Worthy Patron Linwood D. Richardson, Grand Worthy Matron Louise M. L. Ratleff-Richardson, and their staff attended the 2018 Pacific Rim Conference of Grand Masters, Grand Worthy Matrons and Grand Worthy Patrons in Los Angeles, California. The PACRIM jurisdictions consist of the MWPHGLs of Hawaii, California, Washington, Alaska, and Oregon (Idaho and Montana under Oregon).